Monday, November 28, 2011


Back to the daily grind of work. Hopefully it goes smoothly, but my tattoo is being a pain. The main problem is that it's located on my upper arm and the skin there pulls a lot when I move it too much ~_~ oh well, can't be helped.
Been done a thousand times but I love this design. I will be adding more tattoos to my arm after this heals. Next is probably going to be a Cheshire cat (Unraveling).

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tattoo choices

I made the choice to get a tattoo yesterday. Was it the best choice in the world, probably not, but I don't regret a thing. See, my opinion of Tattoos is that you're turning your body into a piece of artwork, and you're making it a home you find beautiful. We paint our houses and change the color of our hair, some get plastic surgery to try and find themselves or make something more likable.
For me, this tattoo is my way of making my body my home, truly my home. The tattoo is of a hand mirror with the glass cracked. The words on the mirror say 'We're all mad here' (Alice in Wonderland) backwards (you can only see it clearly by looking at it through a mirror lol). The idea behind it is that you're looking through the mirror from the wrong side (Wonderland).
Why did I choose an Alice in Wonderland tattoo? I have a silly but very personal reason. When I was younger I had a huge learning problem and could not for the life of me read a book. I found an old battered copy of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, and before I knew it I was reading that book.
It is also the theme of my first ever story. I wrote a short story about Alice going back to Wonderland all grown up. It was the first story I wrote from start to finish.
That is why I chose it. Alice is the first story that really made my imagination kick into overdrive and think 'what if' for the first time. Alice prompted me to try my hand at writing and I've never been happier than when I'm creating words from nothing.
I'm never going to regret this tattoo, I'm going to treasure it because it reminds me of who I am and what makes me happy in this life. No one else needs to understand the meaning, only me myself and I.
To everyone else, it's a cracked mirror with backwards words :D

My next one will be the Cheshire cat, continuing my Alice theme until this arm is finished.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well, I'm mad about my shoulder hurting but the medicine my doctor gave me to help also causes drowsiness, I have mixed feelings about taking it ~_~

I also can't get a doctor's note until she knows exactly what is wrong so I'm basically screwed at Work and will have to continue to lift things at the register unless I ask customers not to put them on the belt. Maybe if I hang a sign it'll work? lmao

Anyway, I've had to call out twice this week because of the pain. I'm just not having a good week at all; not at all.