I'm sitting here in boy-short underwear and a white tank... and I feel completely comfortable in my own skin. This time last year I would have been wearing a baggy sweater and sweat-pants; even though I'm completely alone. It's amazing what time does to a person.
The fact is, I've learned that I AM a beautiful person even if I'm not model thin (or am way overweight) I've been asked out at work (sadly I turned him down due to the fact that I don't date co-workers) and my life is okay. It's nowhere near perfect but it's okay and I'm doing alright.
I get down, I get blue but there are times when I'm happy too. I'm okay.
For the first time in my life I can look at myself in the mirror and say "We're okay. Not perfect, but okay." and to everyone who tells me otherwise, who says I'm disgusting and unlovable... FUCK YOU! I've spent too many years believing that crap only to open my eyes and see it isn't so. I can and will be loved. I can make my life into something; the future isn't as bleak as you led me to believe. So in the end, I'm going forward with my life and you'll be stuck feeling like a sad little person.
I never understand why people get off on the hurt of others. But I'm done being hurt.
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