Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Angels Fall - Character Bio: Nen

My inability to sleep strikes again. It's going on midnight and I can't bring myself to go to bet just yet... I figure I'll give you a character bio from Angels Fall.

Nen - Lord of the Water & Rea - River Spirit
Twins Nen and Rea were the best of friends growing up. No one was more surprised than they were when the Maker ordered them down to the newling planet Earth.
This was the first time that Rea had ever seen Cyrus, the Earth lord, and she was instantly in love with him. Nen didn't think the relationship was right given the age gap between Rea and Cyrus, when his sister asked for his blessing over her marriage to Cyrus he denied it and did not attend the ceromny. 
This broke Rea's heart and she never truly forgave her brother for it. Rea and Cyrus soon proved to be a wonderful match, with Rea always making him happy even after his best friend Kieran turned away from the Maker. 
But Kieran was not blind to Cyrus' love of Rea and how important the female was to him. He used Exile, one of Rea's old friends, to lure her away from the Tower Proper where she was later killed and her body put on display outside the tower. 
Nen was devistated by the loss of his twin, he never forgave Cyrus for failing to protect the girl and he saw the earth lord as the cause of her death (if they had not been a couple than Rea would never have been a target in the first place). 

Nen forced himself to continue on with his life. Lady Sevan, was sent to replace Rea's role as water spirit, after first she and Nen clashed horrible but soon Nen found himself falling in love with the female. They were wed and soon had a child together - Yuki. Yuki came as something of a surprise to the two water elements because she was not a water spirit herself but a Winter spirit.
Nen and Sevan began to grow apart after Yuki's birth with Sevan throwing herself into her role of mother and forgetting to be a wife as well. Nen accepted this and withdrew from her as well. It wasn't until he found a baby human that things turned from bad to worse...


Now if I go any further I'll spoil the story lol. Nen is adorable but I can't help feeling bad for him. He is the embodiment of a cheating husband trying to decide if it's right or wrong to go after something when one is being neglected in their marriage... Sevan is not a favorite of mine... not at all. 

Yuki is an interesting character and I'll post a bio for her later on. Next up will be Kay (name subject to change, I've changed it twice already!)


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