Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I decided to do this since so much of my DA account journal is me complaining about personal issues... silly as it may sound I feel like I can vent a little more over here than I can on there. This is also the space I will be using to post new or WIP stories and chapters that I feel DA is too hard on (PWP, Smexy stuff etc...)

While I'm here I guess I'll do a little intro about myself. My name is Sarah but I go by Elisa more often on the internet than I do my first name (Elisa is short for Elisabeth which is my middle name, I played soccer with a bunch of girls' named Sarah so my coach decided I was Elisa). I'm 21, almost 22, years old and I live in the Sunshine state (Florida). I wasn't born here but so much of my life was spent in the swamp that I think of it as my birth state.

I used to babysit for a living; which drove me up a wall mind you, and then I got hired on as a cashier at Walmart. It's a good place to work if you're just getting started (which I was). I never held any respect for the job as a whole until I found myself doing it. :)
If you ever stop in a certain walmart and see me, say hi! lol, though I admit that I think the big-wigs might have a couple issues with my and my writing but whatever; this is my personal life - as long as I show up on time and work my shift I don't think they should be complaining :p

 My WIP stories at the moment are -
Flames of tomorrow - Rewrite.
Unnamed Alice in wonderland story.

Angel's Fall - Original story that has taken all my focus off my other projects. You'll be seeing a lot about that in the coming blogs. I'm in love with it really, the characters are AMAZING! :) and I'm not tooting my own horn, these guys jumped up and said "HEY, HEY! YOU, WRITER LADY, OUR STORY NOW DAMN IT!" and I bowed down and began writing about their story.

Well, there you go, my intro post to break the vigin blog. Please keep tuned for further updates and all that wonderful jazz.


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