Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ticket to crazy town

Omg... I just had the most random shift of my life. I'm at my register, it's slow as fuck and I'd take just about ANY customer at this point. The two that come into my line however... well, I've had them come through before and know what to expect (or I thought I did.)
They're Electric cart users. I have no problem with EC's but I've learned that the people who use them need a little more TLC from the cashiers. I help unload the cart if they need it, and try to be more cheerful toward them because usually they're older and probably having a lot of issues (A smile goes a long way)
These two however... I think they use the carts because whatever drugs they're using are so strong they'd fall over if they didn't. These two are serious druggies; every time I see them they're high or drunk... hell, maybe both at the same time.

Anyway, they're acting typical, slurring their words and making little to no sense. I'm trying to keep my cool and not yell at them when their bags pile up and they don't move their carts forward for me to load it. So, the wife runs off to the bathroom; that's when things get interesting.

The husband takes a stack of bills out of his pocket and counts it out. One... two... three... he begins swaying and all of a sudden slumps forward, face planting the belt.

Me: Oh! Uh... Help...
Cashier in front of me: Oh shit, is he dead?
Me: No... he's snoring...

The asshole fell ASLEEP at the register...

Shoot me... please...

1 comment:

  1. I always try to be super nice to cashiers, I figure maybe one nice customer will make up for a few really snotty ones, but the more I stand in line the more I think I'm so outnumbered -- BIG TIME!
