Well, I got written up at work for all the time off I took in the past (five days in six months) I kind of expected it but oh well; what can you do?
Anyway, was just thinking about my cats both the ones I have now and the ones that have passed.
Thunder: My first cat, given to me on my 2nd birthday by my parents. She was part of a litter of strays a neighbor found in his backyard. Was a terrible cat, not friendly and couldn't stand children. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I begun to actually like her as a cat. She was an in-door-out-door cat and as she grew older she'd started staying away for long periods of time.
We actually thought on one of those long absences that she'd finally died somewhere. But, all of a sudden she returned, very sick but alive. I bathed her and let her sleep with me in my bedroom. Two days later and she was extremely sick. I was sixteen years old when I had to take her to be put down because of how sick she was. I will never forget that pain.
Nala: The Lioness of the cats we owned. She was a birthday gift for my sister's sweet sixteen, and from the get-go was a terrible cat. Extremely unfriendly and just a horrible monster. But, for all her faults, she loved the babies. She was a mama cat to my sisters' children, rushing over and insisting the adults take care of them right away (biting you if you didn't do it quick enough). Another in-door-out-door cat; but one that stayed very close to home.
She died earlier this year when a neighbor left car fluid out on his driveway and she drank it. I took her to the vet and after everything, trying to save her life, still had to put her down because her kidneys had fully failed and it would only be a matter of time and a slow and painful death if I didn't.
Rogue: Rogue was originally supposed to be my sister's cat; but she backed out on adopting her shortly after visiting the shelter (money issues) so I took my remaining babysitting money and went to get her. It was painful because Thunder had only been dead about two months when I adopted this one and I wasn't sure if I wanted another cat. But she and I hit it off with her being my total baby. But since we've added more cats to the family she's grown distant from me and now mostly thinks of herself as my parents' cat.
Aries: Aries was the first pet-store cat we bought, and I wouldn't buy another one if you paid me. He was bought by my sister (she has a thing for fuzzy black balls of fluff) He and Thunder matched. He matched her perfectly, almost to the point where I thought they might be related at some point in the past. My sister never got him fixed and let him roam around outside the house. Eventually when we brought a cat home from the shelter (who was supposed to be fixed) he fathered a litter of kittens with her before vanishing completely. He was either hit by a cat or picked up by someone. I like to believe he was picked up and given to a good home (Probably wishful thinking thought).
Salem: Salem was a foster cat we took in while his F-mom was out of town. He and his sister stayed with us for two weeks and at the end of those two-weeks we decided to adopt him. He is one ugly looking cat, (hence the name: Salem from Sabrina the Teenage witch). He and Aries got along very well and we're the best of friends until Aries wandered off. Now he is our only male cat and is totally my dad's cat, will just lay in his lap all day if allowed.
Kira: Kira actually began her life with my sister and her husband. They lived in a smallish apartment and the cat was their trail run on having a child-like thing to take care of. When my sister finally got pregnant and they decided to move to another apartment; they had to give her up because the new place didn't allow pets. I took her in and at the moment she is laying at my feet watching me type this. She is a typical fat cat, totally in love with her life and sweet as can be. I adore her!
Abby: Abby belongs to my nephew and was picked out at the shelter on her final day there. She was due to be put to sleep when they closed. We took her home and noticed some odd things about her, but were told that it was normal for a female cat to act like she was in heat. Turns out it wasn't normal and they had forgotten to fix her (basically they assumed no one would want her, so they never did it). She ended up having a litter of five kittens with Aries. Now she's been fixed and is a fat cat.
Alice: Alice is my baby. She is the only kitten out of Abby's litter that I kept, and I kept her because when she was born she had medical problems. I paid for everything to be fixed, and the vet 'fixed' her for free. On the way home from the vet my mom told me I could keep her :) I'm looking at her now as she's playing with a pipe cleaner... she's a full black ball of fluff, and a good mix of her parents genes.
Jack: Not a cat but the family dog. He is a Rat-terrier and an over-all good guy. Old by dog standards and set in his ways; but a good dog nonetheless.
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