Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chaotic nights

Hey guys, 
I had an amazing time over at Disney for their halloween party :D It was absolutely perfect, and a great way to spend my mini vacation from work.
I only wish my return to work was half as pleasant. It seems like from the get-go there has been nothing but total bullshit to wad through. 
Last night I was told to wait for a replacement. This Manager knows full well I have a second job I have to get up for in the morning; keep that in mind. Okay, fine, I'll wait. So he sends one cashier home, then another, and then sends the first 10 o'clock cashier coming in to an empty register. 
ten rolls around fully, still waiting. There are five cashiers standing around doing nothing. At five after I leave. 
I'm sorry but when you get up at 6 every single morning, enough is enough. So today, manager comes up and demands to know why I left. Because I finished my shift moron. He confronts me in front of customers; and doesn't give me a chance to explain myself. He walks off and leaves before I can explain, and then acts like I'm lying when I told him I waited until five after. He said he'd check with the cashier who took over my register. 
Fuck you, check what time I clocked out asshole. Ugh!
I might talk to my head manager about that tomorrow. 

On a funny note. I had a couple teenagers come through my line busy energy drinks. Okay, no biggie. One hands me a five and then the change. 
"I don't want the penny!" she says.
Okay, I go to get her four dollars out of the drawer, turn around... stupid has walked away, leaving me with four dollars :p
I stuck it back in the drawer and warned the next cashier about it. Girl didn't even take her slip so she has no way of proving she never got the change. Whatever, I told the next cashier she had money to work with if anyone came up short lmao. 

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